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Old dreams, a butterfly shining on the wall




Old dreams, a butterfly shining on the wall




2023年4月28日(金)~5月7日(日) 12時~19時 














Even when people see the same thing, different people receive it in different ways, and it is sometimes difficult to convey what one feels to someone else as it is. In this exhibition, we consider a picture as a device to record what we see through our subjectivity, prejudice, and misunderstanding, and to preserve it for the future. In a situation where images and videos can be easily shared, we will consider the usefulness of handmade images created with materials like paint.


Old dreams, a butterfly shining on the wall


Date and Time

Friday, April 28 - Sunday, May 7, 2023, 12:00 - 19:00 

Closed on Monday, May 1


Admission Fee

200 yen


Participating artists 

Eriko Kubo, Sayaka Takeda,Sotaro Hori, Hinako Matsuoka, Suzuka Yagi


DM Design

Inori Otomo


Supported by

Arts Support Kansai


1997年生まれ 広島県出身

京都造形芸術大学(現:京都芸術大学)美術工芸科 油画コース 卒業

京都市立芸術大学大学院修士課程絵画専攻油画 修了

主な個展に「水仙城」(ギャラリーいのくま亭/京都/2018年)、主なグループ展に「かくれんぼ展」(アートギャラリー北野/京都/2017年)、 「下京渉成小学校作品展」(下京渉成小学校体育館 /京都/2021年)、「色の言ノ葉」(新宿高島屋美術画廊 /東京/2022年)



京都市立芸術大学美術科油画専攻 卒業

京都市立芸術大学大学院修士課程絵画専攻油画 終了

主な個展に「     かべ」   /線 (ギャラリー16/京都/2021)、主なグループ展にstART2017(ギャラリー16/京都/2017)、絵画に首ったけ(京都市立芸術大学大ギャラリー/京都/2018)、トゥールビヨン16(Oギャラリーeyes /大阪/2018)、二人展(京都市立芸術大学小ギャラリー/京都/2019)、Absolute basis 武田紗也加と寺脇さやかの場合(Oギャラリーeyes /大阪/2020)、アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2021(丸の内/東京/2021)、主な受賞歴に2018年度京都市立芸術大学作品展同窓会賞受賞、主なコレクションに京都銀行美術研究支援制度により作品収蔵。


1996年生まれ 京都府出身

京都市立芸術大学美術科油画専攻 卒業

京都市立芸術大学大学院修士課程絵画専攻油画 修了

主な個展に「ホログラムりんごのデッサン」(kunst arzt /京都/2020年)、主なグループ展に「窓と外」(gallery opal times /大阪/2021年)、「Slow Culture」(ギャラリー@KCUA /京都/2021年)、「TRADING HOME vou to ie」(ie /北海道/2022)、主なフェアに「Artists Fair Kyoto2022」 (京都文化会館別館/京都/2022)、主な受賞歴に群馬青年ビエンナーレ2019入選、2018年度京都市立芸術大学作品展市長賞。


1996年生まれ 高知県出身

京都造形芸術大学(現:京都芸術大学)美術工芸科 油画コース 卒業

京都市立芸術大学大学院修士課程絵画専攻油画 修了

主な個展に「せいかつのご褒美」(GALLERY TOMO CONTEMPORARY /京都/2021)、「穏やかなながめ」(Gallery 子の星/東京/2023)、主なグループ展に「長亭 GALLERY 展 2022」(長亭 GALLERY /東京/2022)、「GURA open storage」(高島屋大阪店 6 階ギャラリーNEXT /大阪/2023)、「植木鉢のある風景展2 STILL LIFE Ⅱ」(ギャラリーモーニング/京都/2023)


1997年生まれ 京都府出⾝

京都市立芸術大学美術科油画専攻 卒業

京都市⽴芸術⼤学⼤学院修⼠課程 絵画専攻 修了

主な個展に、「pile」(KAGANHOTEL/京都/2021)、「靄に視点」(galerie16/京都/2021)、「触れずになでた」(ギャラリー恵⾵/京都/2022)、「film」(芝⽥町画廊/⼤阪/2022)、主なグループ展に、「Lovely」(OIL by 美術⼿帖ギャラリー/東京/2022)、「遠い⼿ざわり 新井碧+⼋⽊鈴佳」(FUGA Dining/東京/2022)、主なコレクションに、京都銀⾏美術研究支援制度により作品収蔵​。

Eriko Kubo 

Born in Hiroshima, in 1997

Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design (now Kyoto University of Art), Department of Arts and Crafts, Oil Painting Course

M.F.A. in Oil Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan

Major solo exhibitions include "Suisen Castle" (Gallery Inokuma-tei, Kyoto, 2018), major group exhibitions include "Hide and Seek" (Art Gallery Kitano, Kyoto, 2017), "Shimogyo Shosei Elementary School Works Exhibition" (Shimogyo Shosei Elementary School Gymnasium, Kyoto, 2021), "Color Words" (Shinjuku Takashimaya Art Gallery, Tokyo, 2022) Exhibition)


Sayaka Takeda

Born in 1995 in Osaka

Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Oil Painting

M.F.A. in Oil Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan

Major solo exhibitions include "Kabe" / Line (Gallery 16/Kyoto/2021), major group exhibitions include stART2017 (Gallery 16/Kyoto/2017), Clazy For Painting (Kyoto City University of Arts Grand Gallery/Kyoto/2018), Tourbillon 16 (O Gallery eyes/Osaka/2018), two-person exhibition ( (Kyoto City University of Arts Small Gallery/Kyoto/2019), Absolute basis: The Case of Sayaka Takeda and Sayaka Terawaki (O Gallery eyes /Osaka/2020), Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2021 (Marunouchi /Tokyo/2021), significant awards include 2018 Kyoto City University of Arts Art Exhibition Alumni Association Prize; major collections include works held by the Kyoto Bank Art Research Support Program.


Sotaro Hori 

Born in 1996, Kyoto, Japan

Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Oil Painting

M.F.A. in Oil Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan

Major solo exhibitions include "Hologram apple drawing" (kunst arzt /Kyoto/2020), major group exhibitions include "Window and Outside" (gallery opal times /Osaka/2021), "Slow Culture" (gallery@KCUA /Kyoto/2021), "TRADING HOME vou to ie" (ie /Hokkaido/2022), significant fairs include "Artists Fair Kyoto2022" (Kyoto Bunka Kaikan Annex /Kyoto/2022), significant awards include selection for Gunma Biennale for Young Artists 2019, Mayor's Prize for the Kyoto City University of Arts Works Exhibition 2018.


Hinako Matsuoka

Born in 1996 in Kochi, Japan

Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design (now Kyoto City University of Arts), Department of Arts and Crafts, Oil Painting Course

M.F.A. in Oil Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan

Major solo exhibitions include "Seikatsu no Gozaimu" (GALLERY TOMO CONTEMPORARY /Kyoto/2021), "Gentle Nagame" (Gallery Child Star /Tokyo/2023), major group exhibitions include "Chotei GALLERY Exhibition 2022" (Chotei GALLERY /Tokyo/2022), "GURA open storage" (Takashimaya Osaka 6th Floor Gallery NEXT / Osaka / 2023), "Landscape with flowerpot 2 STILL LIFE II" (Gallery Morning / Kyoto / 2023).


Suzuka Yuki

Born in 1997 in Kyoto.

Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Oil Painting

M.F.A. in Oil Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan.

Major solo exhibitions include "Pile" (KAGANHOTEL/Kyoto/2021), "Haze and Perspective" (galerie16/Kyoto/2021), "Nadatta without Touch" (Gallery Keifu/Kyoto/2022), "Film" (Shibada-cho Gallery/ Osaka/2022), major group exhibitions include "Lovely" (OIL The main group exhibitions include "Lovely" (OIL by Art Book Gallery, Tokyo, 2022), "Distant Breath" (FUGA Dining, Tokyo, 2022), "Faraway Breath" (Aoi Arai + Suzuka Suga), and the main collection includes works from the Kyoto Bank's Art Research Support Program.

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